Pengalaman pertama sebagai 'emcee'. Yang paling mencabar tu - Bahasa pengantaraan , English lah....
Maklumlah kerja dengan tauke bukan melayu. Di bawah gambar-gambar sekitar acara tersebut.
Aku tengah memulakan majlis. Serius semacam je..
Di bawah ini adalah skrip untuk acara tersebut. Thanks atas bantuan isteri tercinta membantu menyediakan skrip berkualiti....
Good Morning ladies & gentlemen.
Please give a warm welcome to our GMD - Mr. Neo Lok
Our General Manager - Mr. LJ Lim
Our Special invited judge - Mr. Chen.
to QIT chairman - Mr. Prem
All Managers
To all QIT committe mmbers.
To all presenter - Looks very excited to present their team achievement.
To all QIT team members.
Once again please welcome to Pacestar Selangor QIT Competetion Year 2008/2009
First of all, I would like to thank to QIT committe for selected me as emcee today.
Give me a change to run today event.
I will try my best to run today activities smoothly.
Ladies & gentleman,
Please look around our cafeteria. Very nice today - Colourful, beutiful decoration.
No more canteen condition , right ?
Please give a clap to QIT committe member for their good job.
Look at our ladies today, very good dress, very beutiful.
They spend a lot of their time to dress nicely.
Give them a big clap.
Let looks at our agenda today.
We will start with welcome speech by Mr. Prem
Followed with opening speech by our GMD.
QIT presentation will start by the forst team Synergy.
30 minute given (9.10 ~ 9.40 am).
Please utilize our time effectively.
After that, there will be panel discussiion for 5 minute.
Second QIT team presentation will start on 10.45 a.m.
followed bt panel discussion also.
There will be a tea break for 15 minute.
We will start back on 10.35 for team no 3. Dynamics.
Panel discussion - for 5 minute also.
Last team will present on 11.10 a.m
Panel judges will take 20 minute for discussion and result tabulation.
12.00 p.m - Overall comment will be given by judges.
Followed by QIT team members learning outcome for 15 minute. ( 12.15 ~ 12.30 p.m)
Very important time for today event - Award giving ceremory.
There will be photo session on 12.35 p.m
12.45 wrap up speech by our GMD.
Last agenda a cloosing speech by GM - Mr. LJ Lim.
Today event will end by 1.00 p.m.
As usual, every avent has own rule and regulation.
To ensure today activities run smoothly.
1) Please turn your h/phone in silent mode or turn off.
2) Be decent & Well dicipline.
3) Do not chatting during presentation.
4) Stay at your sit - Do not hang around.
5) Give your support to your team members.
6) As normal Q up during tea break & lunch.
Let introduce QIT judges for today competetion.
1) Mr. Neo Lok - our MD
2) Mr Chen - invited Judge
Time taker for each presentation .
Ms Chee - Ring the bell please.
1st bell for start presentation.
2nd bell for reminder 2 minute left.
3rd bell (double ring) - time over.
Withour further delay, please welcome our QIT chairman - Mr. Prem for his welcome speech.
Please give a warm welcome to our GMD - Mr. Neo Lok
Our General Manager - Mr. LJ Lim
Our Special invited judge - Mr. Chen.
to QIT chairman - Mr. Prem
All Managers
To all QIT committe mmbers.
To all presenter - Looks very excited to present their team achievement.
To all QIT team members.
Once again please welcome to Pacestar Selangor QIT Competetion Year 2008/2009
First of all, I would like to thank to QIT committe for selected me as emcee today.
Give me a change to run today event.
I will try my best to run today activities smoothly.
Ladies & gentleman,
Please look around our cafeteria. Very nice today - Colourful, beutiful decoration.
No more canteen condition , right ?
Please give a clap to QIT committe member for their good job.
Look at our ladies today, very good dress, very beutiful.
They spend a lot of their time to dress nicely.

Give them a big clap.
Let looks at our agenda today.
We will start with welcome speech by Mr. Prem
Followed with opening speech by our GMD.
QIT presentation will start by the forst team Synergy.
30 minute given (9.10 ~ 9.40 am).
Please utilize our time effectively.
After that, there will be panel discussiion for 5 minute.
Second QIT team presentation will start on 10.45 a.m.
followed bt panel discussion also.
There will be a tea break for 15 minute.
We will start back on 10.35 for team no 3. Dynamics.
Panel discussion - for 5 minute also.
Last team will present on 11.10 a.m
Panel judges will take 20 minute for discussion and result tabulation.
12.00 p.m - Overall comment will be given by judges.
Followed by QIT team members learning outcome for 15 minute. ( 12.15 ~ 12.30 p.m)
Very important time for today event - Award giving ceremory.
There will be photo session on 12.35 p.m
12.45 wrap up speech by our GMD.
Last agenda a cloosing speech by GM - Mr. LJ Lim.
Today event will end by 1.00 p.m.
As usual, every avent has own rule and regulation.
To ensure today activities run smoothly.
1) Please turn your h/phone in silent mode or turn off.
2) Be decent & Well dicipline.
3) Do not chatting during presentation.
4) Stay at your sit - Do not hang around.
5) Give your support to your team members.
6) As normal Q up during tea break & lunch.
Let introduce QIT judges for today competetion.
1) Mr. Neo Lok - our MD
2) Mr Chen - invited Judge
Time taker for each presentation .
Ms Chee - Ring the bell please.
1st bell for start presentation.
2nd bell for reminder 2 minute left.
3rd bell (double ring) - time over.
Withour further delay, please welcome our QIT chairman - Mr. Prem for his welcome speech.
Thanks Prem for explaination on judgement criteria and also Winning award prises.
Thanks to management for the good reward as presented by Mr. Prem just now.
Next, we would like to call our MD - Mr. Neo lok for his opening speech.
Please welcome Mr. Neo.
Thanks Mr. Neo for his speech. Hopefully all of us can understand the economical situation right now and be prepare for the coming month.
It look like all the presenter are lost patient al-ready.
Very excited to present their QIT activities.
Please welcome 1st group for today presentation - Synergy team.
Thank for the presentation.
Open for comment and question by judges.
Next QIT presentation is from Taurus team.
Please welcome 'Taurus'
Open for comment and question from judges.
2 team al-ready finish their presentation.
Left another 2 team.
Committe member, please check the tea break preparation.
It ready...
Lets break for 15 minutes.
Please be here again on 10.35 a.m.
How about the tea break ?
All ' kenyang ' al-ready ....right ?
Don't feel sleeepy OK.....
There will be 2 more interesting presentation.
Lets welcome 3rd QIT team - Dynamics.
Thanks for the presentation.
Open for comment & questions by judges.
Our last presenter for today competetion. Fantastic
Please welcome ' Fantastic '.
Comment and question from judges.
We are completed all the presentation.
Now is the time for panel judges discussion and tabulation of result.
Please be patient, result will come out within 5 ~ 10 minutes.
Committe members please help judges for result tabulation prosess.
Before announcing the result, we would like to have a few word from each group on the project learning outcome.
Please welcome from 1st group - Synergy..
Taurus, Dynamic and Fantastic.
The result is here al-ready....
I would like to call our MD for the award giving ceremony.
Group leader please come forward for certificate giving.
Start with Synergy, Taurus, Dynamics and Fantastic.
Now is the time for winner announcement.
Who is the champion...?
lets start with consolation price first.
Consolation price goes to ......................
Please come all the team member for the souvenir given.
Next, the price for 2nd runner up.
2nd runner up goest to ................................
Left only 2 team : ...............................
Who is the champion again ....?
And .. the champion goes to .......................
This mean 1st runner up is the team .....................
..............., please come forward for the 1st runner up price.
Lastly. please come forward the champion team ................
Thanks Mr. Neo for the award giving ceremony.
Next agenda is Photo session for all team.
Committe members, please prepare for the photo session.
We would like to have overall comment and wrap up by MD.
Please welcome Mr. Neo lok.
Before ending our session today, We would like to call our General Manager - Mr. LJ Lim for cloosing speech.
Pleasae welcome Mr. Lj Lim.
Thank for the speech.
Lunch is ready.....
Lastly, before we end our event today. I would like to give a 'pantun' in Malay.
Ulam jering, ulam petai,
Cari di tepi sebuah perigi,
QIT presentation sudah Selesai,
Ada masa jumpa lagi
Keseluruhan program berjalan lancar walaupun ini pengalaman pertama.
Thanks to management for the good reward as presented by Mr. Prem just now.
Next, we would like to call our MD - Mr. Neo lok for his opening speech.
Please welcome Mr. Neo.
Thanks Mr. Neo for his speech. Hopefully all of us can understand the economical situation right now and be prepare for the coming month.
It look like all the presenter are lost patient al-ready.
Very excited to present their QIT activities.
Please welcome 1st group for today presentation - Synergy team.
Thank for the presentation.
Open for comment and question by judges.
Next QIT presentation is from Taurus team.
Please welcome 'Taurus'
Open for comment and question from judges.
2 team al-ready finish their presentation.
Left another 2 team.
Committe member, please check the tea break preparation.
It ready...
Lets break for 15 minutes.
Please be here again on 10.35 a.m.
How about the tea break ?
All ' kenyang ' al-ready ....right ?
Don't feel sleeepy OK.....
There will be 2 more interesting presentation.
Lets welcome 3rd QIT team - Dynamics.
Thanks for the presentation.
Open for comment & questions by judges.
Our last presenter for today competetion. Fantastic
Please welcome ' Fantastic '.
Comment and question from judges.
We are completed all the presentation.
Now is the time for panel judges discussion and tabulation of result.
Please be patient, result will come out within 5 ~ 10 minutes.
Committe members please help judges for result tabulation prosess.
Before announcing the result, we would like to have a few word from each group on the project learning outcome.
Please welcome from 1st group - Synergy..
Taurus, Dynamic and Fantastic.
The result is here al-ready....
I would like to call our MD for the award giving ceremony.
Group leader please come forward for certificate giving.
Start with Synergy, Taurus, Dynamics and Fantastic.
Now is the time for winner announcement.
Who is the champion...?
lets start with consolation price first.
Consolation price goes to ......................
Please come all the team member for the souvenir given.
Next, the price for 2nd runner up.
2nd runner up goest to ................................
Left only 2 team : ...............................
Who is the champion again ....?
And .. the champion goes to .......................
This mean 1st runner up is the team .....................
..............., please come forward for the 1st runner up price.
Lastly. please come forward the champion team ................
Thanks Mr. Neo for the award giving ceremony.
Next agenda is Photo session for all team.
Committe members, please prepare for the photo session.
We would like to have overall comment and wrap up by MD.
Please welcome Mr. Neo lok.
Before ending our session today, We would like to call our General Manager - Mr. LJ Lim for cloosing speech.
Pleasae welcome Mr. Lj Lim.
Thank for the speech.
Lunch is ready.....
Lastly, before we end our event today. I would like to give a 'pantun' in Malay.
Ulam jering, ulam petai,
Cari di tepi sebuah perigi,
QIT presentation sudah Selesai,
Ada masa jumpa lagi
Keseluruhan program berjalan lancar walaupun ini pengalaman pertama.
Mr Prem - QIT chairman komen : un-expected ending by pantun. Very good job.
Program ini menambah keyakinan diriku untuk 'public speaking' walaupun dalam bahasa yang jarang diguna pakai....
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